How should we deal with China?

For the leaders of Southeast Asia’s two biggest nations, Indonesia and the Philippines – two fledgling democracies in the grip of populism, each is unhappy in its own way. On the surface, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his Indonesian counterpart…
China’s encirclement of Whitson Reef poses new threat to Vietnam

The Philippines faces the threat of territorial encroachment from China Recently, the Philippines has criticized China’s “aggressive” actions after Beijing sent more than 200 ships to the South China Sea (Vietnam calls it the East Sea). Manila also asked Beijing…
Review tensions in the South China Sea in 2020

  In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hits many countries around the world. While other countries are concerned about the fight against the epidemic, China still carries out aggressive and threatening actions in the South China Sea (Vietnamese call it the…
Biển Đông: Indonesia cứng rắn, Philippines lập lờ

Sau khi Hoa Kỳ tuyên bố một cách công khai và cứng rắn là yêu sách chủ quyền và các hành vi chiếm đoạt tài nguyên của Trung Quốc ở Biển Đông là bất hợp pháp vào trung tuần tháng…