Dong Tam case: inadequacies in land ownership and Vietnamese justice

More than 3 months after some defendants in the hearing trying land petitioners in Dong Tam commune were released, these people said that until now, they are still haunted, panicked, sleepless because of what they experienced during the pre-trial detention.…
Why journalist Huu Danh was arrested? (part 1)

    Part 1: Being too hot spots, fearless!   Truong Chau Huu Danh is the only journalist to access and give information on the death penalty in an unjustly sentenced to death Ho Duy Hai from the investigation period…
When prosecution agencies refuse to rebuild the scene

At the first-instance hearing of 29 Dong Tam people accused of pouring gasoline and burning three police officers, taking place in September, the lawyers participating in the defense for these defendants asked to rebuild the scene but their request was…
“Vietnam needs national solidarity after Dong Tam incident”

Nguyen Si Binh For the Vietnamese, the phrase mediation and reconciliation has been heard a lot in the past, starting in the mid-century years, repeated every year until now but does not show anything new. Immediately after the 1975 event,…