Cambodia and the Philippines are seeking independence from China

The COVID-19 pandemic originating from China has drived many Western countries to seek to reduce their dependence on China. The same tendency can be observed in Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia and the Philippines once considered China’s allies. The…
China is determined to chase – Vietnam prepares to fight

At the May 2020 briefing meeting of the Ministry of Defense held in Hanoi on June 1, Vietnamese Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich recently warned about “complicated developments in the Eat Sea (South China Sea)” and asked the army “to…
Campuchia, Philippines “trở cờ” tìm cách thoát Trung

Đại dịch COVID-19 có nguồn gốc từ Trung Quốc đã thổi bùng làn sóng thoát Trung của các nước phương Tây. Với sức mạnh dữ dội như virus corona, trào lưu này còn lan sang cả những quốc gia được…